International Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journal, Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2321 - 5461 (ONLINE)
ISSN: 2321 - 5461 (ONLINE)

For Authors

Peer Review Process:

Step-1: Manuscript received from author 

Step-2: The editor determines whether the article is sufficient quality and appropriate content.

Step-3: He will either reject or accept it, if he accepts will assign the manuscript number in order, then forward to the suitable reviewer along with manuscript evaluation form and reviewer guidelines (which is a complete online assignment).

The Reviewer should following

  • Originality and Quality of the work
  • Experimental design
  • Appropriateness of the statistical analyses
  • Appropriate literature citations
  • Adequacy of experimental techniques
  • Relevancy of conclusions and interpretation
  • Significance of discussion
  • Instructions to Authors
  • Adequacy of title and abstract
  • Correct figures/images and tables
  • Plagiarism, Missing or incomplete attestation

Copyright: The following are implied by submitting a manuscript: that the described work has not been published previously (other than as an abstract or in a published lecture or thesis), that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere, and that the authors consent to the automatic transfer of copyright to the publisher in the event that the manuscript is accepted for publication.

Publication Charges:

The IJRRECS publication does not accept donations or grants from any governmental or institutional entities; it is entirely self-sufficient. As a result, the processing costs that authors pay are very important to the journal's functioning. Since the journals are freely available online, IJRRECS Publication does not earn any subscription fees since they are open access. Preparing an article for online publication—including peer review, editing, and formatting—and hosting it on a server that is freely available without barriers all day, every day, doesn't cost anything.

All of our esteemed writers are subject to a nominal maintenance fee, as outlined below:

With Warm Regards,
IJRRECS Publication